I mean honestly, they keep the sun out, and create an area of shade for your eyes, and we even call them shades for short. . . what gives?
The penguin's name is Ralph, he is the King of Antartica, you should totally do research on it. The nice thing about being a penguin, is that you are already dressed up, and you don't even know it.
ps- one day I will make it so that you can look at the posters that I have mad, one of which is a poster about Antartica, and King Penguin Ralph.
pps-does anyone have an idea for a new name for this comic, something shorter?
I mean seriously, cheese and crackers are even about to get eaten, like all the time, but they get along real well, even though they are quite different, but whatever, countries, food, it's all the same to me.
Honestly, I can't stand unicyclists, they are worse than anyone else screaming for attention, because even the best ones fall down some, and they are all wobbling in front of you and what not, oh yeah and did i mention it is the least efficient mode of transportation ever devised? Yeah well it is.
ps- I am so addicted to this game
But nonetheless (I love words like that) people still give them to me, as if they expect me to do something with them, other than line the trash cans of the world. . . thanks for filling the landfills up flyer people. Thanks for nothing.
ps- i really like my post script thing, it's nice don't you think? you should check out this website:
Why does no one ask this question?
ps- I don't like the name "Gold Stars Count for Something" it is way too long, if you have any ideas for a new name send them to me that would be great, and of course I will give credit where credit is due.
I don't think this needs any explanation. However, despite being a sweet Xtreme sport, you really shouldn't stair dive unless you want a broken face.
ps- I totally made my computer sweet today, by donating somewhere around 6 hours to making it look cool.
Even if no music is playing, people will leave you alone. Because you are either totally occupied by your music, or you are a prick who wears headphones with no music, and no one wants to talk to "that guy" anyway. On a side note, today marks the introduction of the newest member of our cast, Mr. Music Elitist Himself.