

Why does no one ask this question?

ps- I don't like the name "Gold Stars Count for Something" it is way too long, if you have any ideas for a new name send them to me repoclause@gmail.com that would be great, and of course I will give credit where credit is due.


At 3.5.06, Blogger Dillon said...

that's obvious see one day there were these cows and they were sick of the milk men always being late on delivery, well because you know what they were doing, so the cows were fed up and said, "we are mothers... we have babies to feed with that milk and you're loligagging around and having affairs with all them house wives, mean while our little calves are just plain thirsty!"

tha'ts when the union was formed of mother cows to start taking up for them selves and produced their own milk, so its an obvious question, the milk came before the cows because Milk is the essence of the Universe... any other questions?


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